Respect in Sport
Respect in Sport recertification information
Hockey Alberta has identified a need to better serve and support the parents, family members and coaches of our participants through the creation of a Parent Engagement Strategy for the current season.
As part the Parent Engagement Strategy, effective May 1, 2018, Hockey Alberta now requires Parents and Coaches/Team Officials to recertify their Respect in Sport every four seasons. This requirement was originally announced in Spring 2017. Those parents, coaches and team officials who are required to recertify should have received an email notification with instructions on how to proceed.
To help with the recertification process, an RIS FAQ has been compiled and can be found on the Hockey Alberta website. If you need help accessing your account, you MUST contact the Respect Group Helpdesk by phone: 1-866-945-9906 or Email
Respect in Sport Website | Respect In Sport Support | Respect In Sport FAQ
The Respect in Sport program is an online certification program designed to protect our youth as well as enhance Hockey Alberta’s mandate of providing a safe and fun environment for all of our participants. Respect in Sport is Canada’s leading online bullying, abuse, harassment, and negligence prevention program for parents, coaches, and community leaders.
Hockey Alberta’s decision to require Respect in Sport recertification was made after consultation with various stakeholders involved in the sport, and the review of several reports.
A report submitted by the Hockey Alberta’s Risk and Player Safety Committee made multiple recommendations including the recertification of Respect in Sport for both the Parent and Coach/ Team Official programs and no longer recognizing Speak Out as a relevant program for Coaches. As well, studies conducted by Mount Royal University and the University of Toronto found that efforts should be made to increase the number of adults who complete Respect in Sport, and that following completion of the program, a vast majority of parents became more child-centred.
The "Respect in Sport Parent Program" is in effect via Hockey Alberta.
Therefore, Hockey Edmonton policy mandates that at least one parent or guardian of each player registered in minor hockey in Edmonton will need to complete the online RIS Parent Program. This is a mandatory condition of their participation, prior to any on-ice activities inclusive of the first tryout skate for any team / program.