Spring On Ice Volunteer Sign Up
Please find below the link to the Volunteer Schedule Sign Up for Spring On Ice 2024.
There are 4 different arenas in which you can volunteer at (Meadows, Millwoods, Kinsmen Twin Arena, and Terwillegar). There are also additional Back Up Sign Up options for anyone that may be available for additional shifts once you have already completed your initial volunteer commitments. We do not anticipate these will all be needed or filled but would be nice to have back ups to call in a case of a shift needing to filled last minute.
Anyone needing to make any changes to a shift or have questions regarding any of the positions, you may contact Tanya via email at communications@kcsouthhockey. ca or via text at 780-868-8717.
There are descriptions of the expectations of each role at Volunteer – KC South Hockey Association
OR Below...
Arena Roles:
- Rink Manager - Oversee the volunteers & manage the incoming/outgoing team game sheets
- Assistant Rink Manager - Assist the Rink Manager & fill in where needed
- 50/50 Seller - Walk the rink and sell 50/50 (ALL Arenas)
- Raffle Table - Sell tickets for the raffle table items (ONLY at Terwillegar on Friday and Saturday)